Monday, July 30, 2012

Back in action

First, let me say it's hard for me to believe it's been five years since I last updated this blog. To be honest, I'd almost completely forgotten this existed until I Googled myself a couple months ago. But then I looked back on it and realized it sort of gave me a bit of insight into my own life that I realized could be valuable.

Senior year in college is now a blur for the most part, but looking at posts helped me remember concrete moments in time. Some were good all-around (last day of college), some were good on the whole but with some bad parts (seeing a roommate's friend play a set at Eli's on Whitney), some were just plain rotten (a typical senior year day from hell), but they're all memories worth keeping. Looking back on this blog helps me fill in missing pieces in my own personal history in a way.

Some people keep diaries. Others just post their entire lives on Facebook. I figure that continuing this blog is a way to keep a private/public dialogue that you're all welcome to chime in on, without being slapped in the face with crazy posts like you otherwise would be on Facebook.

My ultimate aim here is twofold: keep an online diary, and stretch my writing abilities a bit. I've gotten so used to writing short form promo scripts that it's difficult for me to write posts that are even this length. At one time I used to be able to write in a sort of stream of consciousness form, but now I find myself rethinking things as I type, and trying to make sentences shorter than they probably need to be. The sentences you've just read were actually rewritten twice. I'm trying to shake myself of that habit.

So in the future, look for posts that are relavent to current events, random things happening in my life, and the occasional rant. I'll also be sharing my "music of the moment" from time to time since music has really become a much bigger part of my life.

This time the title is relevant. The lyrics, well, not so much outside the broad context of senior year of college. But I've probably played this song 15 times today alone. Calvin Harris working his magic with Example, a UK singer/rapper handling vocals.

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