Monday, July 30, 2012


Growing up, it seemed like summer lasted forever. Of course it seemed like winter lasted even longer, but that was when I still enjoyed snow so I didn't mind it so much. Nowadays, it's all just a blur. We sit here on the cusp of August with summer almost gone completely, and I honestly can't figure out where all the time went.

Scientists and psychologists say it's because we experience fewer "firsts" as we age, and as a result our brain skips over details of repeat events ( That still doesn't explain why this summer feels like it's slipping through my fingers faster than last year did, and the year before that, etc. It's not like I've had fewer "new" experiences than I did last year or the year before.

The boffins say the key is to follow the cliche and to "live life to the fullest". Experience new things. Meet new people. Explore new places. Routinely make major life changes. And maybe that's the thing right now. For me, it really does seem like every day is just a repeat of the day before. Every week, a repeat of the week before. Same job, same living situation, same routine day in and day out. There's really no appreciable variation outside of great weekend days spend with friends and family. But that's only two days a week. The other five is just drab repetitiveness. Even vacations are spent at home, going through a slightly modified version of the same old routine. And this leads me to the crux of my post.

I'm dedicating the rest of this year to inching closer to being able to change some things up. Starting tonight (actually in about five minutes) my aim is to be hitting the gym daily and finally get rid of most of my gut. Not a major change in routine, but it's something different in my day-to-day and something to look forward to. 

Something else to look forward to: it's an ambitious goal, but I'd love to be able to finally move out on my own within six months. I'm pushing 30, and a six-month stay at home after college has sort of snowballed out of control at this point. While I enjoy spending time with my mom at home, it's long past time for me to be out on my own and enjoying the fun (and aggrivation) of being a homeowner.

My aim is to make 29 my year of change, with a fresh new outlook by the time I hit 30 next June. Here's hoping for success!

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