Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Busy Busy Busy...

Wow talk about your busy days!

For the first time in a couple weeks I actually fit over 7 consecutive hours of sleep into one night.

It felt so good to wake up and yet I still
felt like I could sleep more.

Needless to say my nice relaxing day ended the minute my alarm went off... 10 minutes late. I ended up rushing off to class, finding a spot in Hogan only to find that the shuttle driver was on her break... at 5 minutes to one. This is the old lady who once let us on the shuttle then decided to take her break with us sitting there.

So I get out of class and head to McDonald's to get a fish sandwich cuz, you know, it's Ash Wednesday. So I get back home, drop the bag of food on the chair, and go to the bathroom. Literally... before my hands are dry... my phone's ringing. Graphics! Graphics! Graphics! Yup... here we go. So it's an hour and a half straight of doing graphics while munching with the other hand.

Do the news which ends up totally screwed up but thats nobody in particular's fault... for the most part. That takes another 4 hours out of my day. So it's back here... eat... work work work since my history prof apparently has no life.

To top all this off I'm thinking about graduation coming up and getting all these little reminders from all these random places and people... hello... not something I really want to be reminded about every five minutes. But it's ok... it's all almost over. With graduation comes the end of late night IM's for graphics, mid-class phone calls about news stories, and being doing a million different jobs for a million different people at Q30. Don't get me wrong... I love doing it all. But Q30's not my life. It can't be. I've got a real job... I've got an apartment with rent I myself have to pay. I've also got dreams and aspirations and in some ways I almost feel like sometimes Q30 (and by extension Quinnipiac itself) makes me not want to do it anymore.

When I leave here in May I want to come away remembering I had a great time... not that for two nights every week of my last semester I was coming close to nervous breakdowns trying to do work for what has really come down to being a job that pays no money and has no real tangible benefits for me anymore - at least at this level. The looming history test didn't help much with the whole nerves situation.

It's amazing how four years changes things. Coming in naive with the whole world in front of me, and now feeling like college life has passed me by only to be replaced with a 20+ hour a week job that comes attached with more stress than my real job. When I see my roommate for only 30 minutes a day (if I'm really lucky) I know I'm spending too much time on work and not nearly enough time on life. I kept thinking my last year in college would be the best time of my life... finally being out of the dorms and being 21. But it's quite the opposite... I feel like I'm in the real world now and feel like I've lost a bit of what I still hear from friends at other schools. Sad but true... if I could be a junior perpetually I probably would... at least for a couple more years.


Anonymous said...

You know...maybe sometimes you gotta say no to if people are im-ing you at 3 in the morning needing graphics (and I know I'm to blame for some late nights with after effects) maybe you gotta say I need the sleep and we'll have to deal with something old. And we should definetly have another graphics training thing..because I really want to do stuff and I could use another lesson, and the more people get trained the less you have to do. Like yeah you'll havew to set aside an afternoon for the training session, but that'll lead to a lot of earlier nights for you cause you can share the load...
All I have to say overall, I'd tell you not to stress but I'm not one to talk and I'm also not a it wouldn't be fair of me to say. But try not to!

Brian said...

The training session's coming up soon. I had hoped to do it this Monday but that's out since I have sooo much work due this week on top of the 22 hour work week I'm gonna have at Shaw's. Don't worry... you guys'll be trained soon!!!!