Friday, February 11, 2005

Class is Cancelled!

So I get up this morning and on a whim decide to check my e-mail before heading off to class. It's a good thing I did because my one class today was cancelled by the prof since his kids are sick. So what do I do with the extra free time I've been given? Well, something inside me said "do school work" and so that's what I've been doing for two hours now.

I should go to the store quick and pick up some of the food I need and I could do some laundry as well, but, well, I'm just too damn lazy so I think I'll just sit here a while longer and see what happens.

Eating lunch I was flipping around on TV and Unsolved Mysteries caught my eye. I never liked that show as a kid since the music always scared the hell outta me. But every now and then I'll see something good on there. Today they were talking about a Bible Code, in which important historical events and figures appear to have been planted in the Hebrew version of the Bible. Things like Nixon resigning, the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, Pearl Harbor being attacked, and even the Wright brothers inventing airplanes. Coincidence or not it's still interesting stuff, made all the more interesting after reading The Atlantis Blueprint. So do I think maybe we were settled by some other civilization or at least given clues about our world by somebody else? At this point in my life I'm sort of inclined to think so after what I've read and with all these random "coincidences" in the placement of religious strucures and things found in religious documents from the past.

As for the book I linked to above, if anybody wants to borrow if you're more than welcome. It was a challenging book to read but it was really good at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gourlie made us read "the BIble" code in my MSS 220 class. Well he made us buy it...I can't say I really read it. But I think all that code stuff is bull.