Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Unlimited Vacation Time Please????

Tomorrow's my last day of vacation already. I've been off work since last Monday, and I don't think I'm ready to go back yet. It's amazing how much faster time passes when you're actually enjoying yourself. Considering I got 5 phone calls from work and at least a dozen work-related e-mails during my week off, I can only imagine how much work I'll have left when I get there.

But enough about work... try this on for size. It seems the writ of habeas corpus has actually been PERMANENTLY revoked. Check out this link for the full (if not a bit confusing) story.


Olbermann, though long-winded in his argument, does make a valid point. Our rights are slowly being eroded, and nothing does that faster than the revoking of the writ of habeas corpus. Now you can be thrown in jail for anything, without the right to know why, and without representation. And since the term "terrorist" is always left vague, law enforcment officials could, in theory, incarcerate anybody they wanted for any length of time without any court proceedings or legal representation.

So, welcome to the new America, where even this very blog could be considered anti-American and illegal. Luckily, our first chance to change things is coming up. So get out and vote on November 7th... it's election day, in case you hadn't heard. Get your butt in the booth and speak your mind. Do me a favor, and vote for somebody who actually cares about the citizens of the country. I don't care if it's a Democrat or Republican... just think before you vote this year, and put somebody in office who will actually represent us.

Okay, that's it for my political soapbox tonight. It probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but I figured the article was worth writing about. If it put you to sleep, fear not. I'll be back to some more normal posts tomorrow.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday, March 05, 2006

3a.m. and All Is Well

Something happened tonight that I've forgotten about for quite a few months. No, it's not something earth shattering or anything. I just remembered how witty I am when I'm fully engaged in a conversation at 3a.m. Sad ain't it?

Anyhow, it was another non-eventful day here at the Kowalenko house. Ended up renewing the book I'm reading, called "John Adams", cuz it's so long it's taking me forever to read it. After that 10 minutes of excitment was over, I went to the home show at the expo center in Hartford with my mom. Lemme just say it was a load of crap. It was like the people who ran it said "okay, how many spa vendors can we jam into one room?". But hey, we had a free admmission pass so it wasn't all bad.

After the expo center I had an Italian dinner that I dare say was almost as good as the famous Fettucine D'Aragosta at Pescatore in New York City. Tonight's fare was Farfalle Toscana, which was farfalle tossed with ground sausage, prosciutto, peas, pecorino romano, and basil tossed in a pink sauce, which Melissa tells me is a lobster sauce. If it is, all the better! But damn that was a good meal... and there was so much that I'll be able to have it for a couple more full meals. So folks, if you're up for a good Italian meal, check out La Notte. It's in East Windsor, and the food's definitely worth the trip from anywhere in the state.

Okay, so it's twenty after three now... I should probably be getting to bed so I don't sleep all day away tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Johari Window

So I saw this in Claire's LiveJournal and thought it'd be cool to do something like this. I mean I can do personality tests out the wazoo for my blog, but why not do something a little more interactive for all of us? Do me a favor and check it out, and be honest. Thanks! (Sorry, couldn't get the link to work so you're gonna have to copy and paste.)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New McDonald's Commercial

So I was just watching the Olympics and saw a new McDonald's commercial... probably one of the funniest I've seen in a while. Bigfoot's walking through the woods and he comes upon one of those Ronald McDonald park benches.Y'know,the ones with a cement Ronald sitting on one end of the bench with his arm draped across the back and his leg folded over his knee.

Well, the bigfoot comes along and sits on the far end of the bench, sees Ronald, and slowly scoots over next to him. Then he puts his arm over the bench and folds his leg too. I dunno... it's just really funny and you've probably gotta see it to actually laugh at it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


It's weird... the past few nights I've gotten plenty of sleep... like 9 hours a night worth... so why do I feel so tired? If you've got a good answer, leave me a comment!

Okay, off to bed to sleep for another 9 hours. Got an interview for substitute teaching tomorrow morning. Yeah that'll be fun... can you picture it? Me a teacher? :-p

I Need Sleep

So I was just looking at my own blog after changing the template and realized that I've got two posts back to back labeled "Mmmm..." and "Hmmmm..." and I never realized it before. Yup, if that means one thing it means I need sleep. G'night world...


For the past few years I've watched SNL week after week, hoping it'd get as funny as it used to be a long time ago, like back when I was in high school. Finally, tonight it happens. Sure it took Steve Martin to host the show, but it was actually laugh out loud funny, and for the right reasons. Funny sketches, funny jokes, funny host who knew what he was doing. Maybe Lorne Michaels will look at tonight's show and realize what the show overall has been missing for a few years. If not, well, I'll keep watching but I can't say I'll enjoy it.

Okay, show's back... but before I leave you I'm going to leave something Steve Martin did on SNL a few years ago. Happy early Valentine's Day all you lovebirds out there...

To My Love
by Steve Martin
Every man needs a woman, and I need you
To lift me when I'm sad,
To comfort me when I'm down,
To clean me when I'm drunk,
To walk beside me when I want to look like I'm not gay,
To walk in front of me when I need someone to act as a human windbreak,
To kiss me when I'm horny,
To massage me when I'm tense ... and/or horny,
To make me horny when I am not horny, and then to watch me fall asleep.

I need you darling
To clean between my toes when they are not clean to my satisfaction,
To pick the nits out of my hair when I have head lice,
To try milk for me when I am not sure of the expiration date,
To be there when I need you to be there,
And to be out of town the rest of the time.

My darling, although it may seem sentimental,
I want to take this moment to tell you I love you,
Because I don't want to lose half my stuff.
And even though you are far away across the ocean,
I always have this (points to ring finger with no ring) to remind me (notices ring's not there) – sorry!
Good night, my love!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Back from the Dead

And so here we are, a year into this blog experiment more or less, and it's amazing how little I stuck to trying to write in it. Funny how for some people it's almost second nature to write their lives out in their blogs and for others it's a vague afterthought.

It's been three months since my last post (why do I now feel like i'm going to blog confession?) and I only find myself in this "create post" window because I'm bored. Yes, I've got a million things I could be doing but instead I'm bored. Funny how it happens sometimes. I could be cleaning my room, could be looking for jobs, could be working on my taxes (yuck), but instead i'm sitting in front of my keyboard debating whether or not to watch a movie or just see what Tivo's got in store for me tonight... and here's my little sidetrack comment for the night, what will become the crux of my post: Tivo.

I can't say it enough: I love TiVo.
Unless you've used it yourself you have no idea how much it will change your life. Imagine never having to set a VCR to record a show you love. Imagine a machine that actually remembers your favorite actors, your favorite movies, and your favorite episodes for you and records them for you without having to say a word. Now imagine always having something on TV that you want to watch. That's what Tivo's all about. The ironic thing about Tivo is that you can't imagine how amazing it is until you've used it, and the price is so steep that most people wouldn't dream of buying it since they've never used it before. Take my word... if you've ever thought about buying a Tivo... do it. You really will never watch TV the same way again.

Okay, off to watch a couple Fawlty Towers episodes and then fall asleep early. Tomorrow will be a fun day... doing job applications and cover letters so I need sleep bad. But hey, if I get a good job then I get a new car and I can move out of the house... ah yes... then, as they say, it's all good.